Publicerat: 2010-04-10 Klockan: 20:31:22

Nu har de gjort det igen! TMZ menar jag. Och när jag säger gjort det... tro mig, det här är bland de tydligaste kan man tycka. Här får ni en bild, följt av lite mer detaljerad text!

Såå... ehm. TMZ tycker de behöver ursäkta sig, eller ska jag säga förklara sig ang. Michaels kista. De påstår att kistan skulle ha tagits ut, snabbt in i en SWAT.van/bil/kärra, whatever. Hm? Sedan skulle de ha åkt till en "hemlig plats", och transporterade sedan kroppen till Forest Lawn. Oh well oh well... Om ni säger det så! Det säger ju sig självt. En röstning om att han lever eller ej? Jodå, det säger mycket det med. Klart han lever... Thank you TMZ, I´m sure MJ is proud of you guys! Säg vad ni vill om TMZ, men neka inte att deras ledtrådar kommer ofta!

Keep the faith beLIEvers, there is more to come.

Läs! :)

Publicerat: 2010-04-08 Klockan: 19:17:20



Publicerat: 2010-04-06 Klockan: 19:44:29

Ifall att ni inte håller er uppdaterade på youtube, I'll bring the new videos to you :)


Publicerat: 2010-04-06 Klockan: 17:27:40

Ingenting alls hände igår, Murray blev inte av med läkar licensen och vi fick inte veta något annat heller.
Nästa gång det är dags är 14 juni. Jag är less på att vänta. Vad är det som tar så lång tid?


Publicerat: 2010-04-05 Klockan: 01:46:04

Imorgon 17:00 svensk tid (enligt Jacksonthrill.se) så ska Conrad Murray in till rätten. Jag antar att vi då får se vad som kommer att hända i fortsättningen.

På ett sätt vill jag såklart se Murray inkastad i fängelse, men det skulle också betyda slutet för alla hoax drömmar.
We'll see tomorrow.

Uri Geller

Publicerat: 2010-04-04 Klockan: 17:56:47

Vi får se nästa vecka vem Uri Geller pratade om, could it be?

Holländsk tidning publicerar info om hoax...

Publicerat: 2010-04-03 Klockan: 17:01:11

Igår den 3:e april skrev Leeuwarder Courant (en tidning i Holland) detta:

Svårt att se, men det är ändå på holländska så jag postar översättningen längre ner.
Dom tar upp Illuminati (som jag inte riktigt tror på) men jag måste erkänna att även jag blir lite rädd. (Tack för det, Nora!) Vet ni vad folk tror att Illuminati är?

Kolla på den där + 4 delar till.
(Jag har inte sett dom, så jag vet inte om dom är bra.)

Oh well, nog om Illuminati - här kommer översättning på artikeln:

Michael Jackson is not dead, he's alive. And he will come back. Soon he will be in the spot light again. He will then wake up humanity with his message: the world is about to be controlled by a secret society or worse, the Antichrist.

Michael is in hiding to come back stronger and to expose the New World Order. This is the firm belief of the masses, who seek each other on the Internet. At http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com they exchange clues and ideas. They impute Michael of some kind of messianic role.

The forum also attracts fierce opponents of the "Jackson-alive' thought, which results sometimes in threatening messages. That is why these two Dutch initiators use their nicknames Mo and Souza. But Mo does reveal that she's a 41-year-old resident of Kollumerland.

That there's a consistent pattern in people denying the death of a celebrity, does not Mo's mind. The evidence showing Elvis is alive is minor in proportion to this case. "Maybe 1/10 part of clues we have about Michael Jackson being alive".

According to Mo and Souza there's major evidence in the death certificate. "It shows the name Michael Joseph Jackson. That name is not according to his other official identification documents. Those show Michael Joe Jackson as his name. That's something that can't be changed overnight".

Soon after Michael's death was reported they started doubting. Michael was remembered on CNN by his friend Dave Dave, a man whose face has been maimed in 1983 because he deliberately was set on fire by his father. Dave Dave told how Michael took care of him and was like a father to him.

Mo and Souza were amazed by Dave Dave's appearance on CNN: those gestures, that way of talking. "We fell off the couch, and yelled: That's him!". Michael's and Dave's faces were simply to match by computer.

Mo and Souza say say it is unbelievable that the full autopsy was released to the public, while the lawsuit against Jackson's doctor yet has to begin. The meticulous description of the body does not match the body of Michael, they believe. There is no mentioning of the burns Jackson sustained during shooting a Pepsi commercial. No word on the cosmetic cleft in his chin, or the skin disease lupus.

Mo is definitely not a fan of Jackson, she stressed. "The real die hard fans don't even notice what's going on. They just write 'Oh we miss you so much' on the fan forums, that's just how far they get. We started investigating because things just don't add up.''

"The ambulance with which he was transported to the hospital made three attempts to exit the drive way backwards, that makes no sense, as Google Earth shows there's a huge roundabout on the property. Why didn't the ambulance speed up, and were there no alarm lights nor sirens?".

To Mo and Souza it's clear: Michael's disappearance is linked to other major events: World improvers as Reverend King, President Kennedy and Princess Diana were removed, the secret society of the Illuminati is about to hit, the Age of Aquarius is coming.

Kollumerland's Mo keeps her identity a secret because threats were ventilated towards them. She knows that she's laughed at, but it is less important. She is convinced that she will have the last laugh when Michael emerges. Please be patient.



Publicerat: 2010-04-03 Klockan: 12:05:58

Alla ni som varit med och läst om hoaxet från början vet varför jag lägger ut en konstig video om TMZ, för alla ni nya besökare - ta gärna och läs igenom lite om TMZ och deras minst sagt skumma sätt...

Forrest Lawn

Publicerat: 2010-04-03 Klockan: 11:33:47

Jag tycker att FL har uppträtt konstigt när fans har försökt ringa dit, och svarat att det inte finns någon Michael Jackson begravd. Så jag gick in på deras hemsida http://www.forestlawn.com/Index.asp för att se vad man kunde hitta.

Man kan söka på vilka som finns begravda på FL, så det gjorde jag först.

Här är vad man fick fram, så... varför finns Michael inte listad över de som ligger på FL?

Carlottas radioprogram

Publicerat: 2010-04-02 Klockan: 17:43:08

Mjfanforeverandaday och Pianogames var med i Carlottas radioprogram och pratade om Mike's deathhoax. Här har ni första delen, det finns 12 delar på Mjfanforeverandadays youtubesida om ni vill lyssna :)

another day....backmasked?

Publicerat: 2010-04-02 Klockan: 12:58:26

Vad tror ni om detta? :)

Don't walk away.

Publicerat: 2010-03-31 Klockan: 23:19:13

Jag hittade en intervju med Brian Oxman från den 25 juni. I den säger han två väldigt konstiga saker som jag inte har sett förut och tänka dela med mig till er.

Första säger han:

"I have always said that Michael someday would wake up dead."

Ok, lite dumt kanske, men hur vaknar man upp död? Har någon annan lyckats med det?

Sen säger han det konstigaste någonsin:

"I got a call just a little before noon that Michael had been taken from the hospital by Randy's assistent who gave me that call."

Tippy ringde 911 klockan 12:21pm, så, hur kommer det sig att Michael har blivit tagen från SJUKHUSET strax innan 12 av Randy's assistent? Och varför skulle någon ha tagit honom från sjukhuset då? Han hade ju inte ens anlänt med ambulansen till UCLA?

Och jag undrar om han pratar om Randy Jackson eller Randy Philips?

Snurrigt, no kidding.

Här kan ni se intervjun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4gB7TQXXI0

I'll love you, until the end of time.

Rapport från paramedics...?

Publicerat: 2010-03-29 Klockan: 14:32:10

Något stämmer inte, den nya rapporten från paramedics som var på plats den 25:e juni visar
- De var på plats INNAN 911 samtalet gjordes.
- Michaels namn är stavat MicHEAL och inte MicHAEL
- Micaels födelsedatum är skrivet till den 28/8, alltså en dag för tidigt.

Vad är det som pågår?


Publicerat: 2010-03-28 Klockan: 16:42:20



Latoya intervju

Publicerat: 2010-03-28 Klockan: 15:22:41

"Murray died in the arms of Michael"

Hm? Borde hon verkligen blanda ihop dom två namnen nu efter 9 månader?
Weird intervju for sure.

Hello again, friends.

Publicerat: 2010-03-28 Klockan: 03:23:02

Hej igen, nu har ajg skrivit min tenta och ska försöka att blogga här igen :) Jag börjar med några videor:


Publicerat: 2010-03-18 Klockan: 23:48:30

Förlåt, men jag har inte tid att blogga just nu. Håller på att plugga stenhårt till en tenta som jag har nästa fredag. Men om ni vill ha de senaste nyhterna tipsar jag er att gå in på http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/blog.php

Jag ska försöka komma igång med bloggandet så snart som möjligt, och händer det något stort så skriver jag såklart om det :)


Make that change

Publicerat: 2010-03-14 Klockan: 00:04:51

Icke hoax-relaterat inlägg.

Heal the world make it a better place. For you and for me and the entire human race :)

Skicka ett sms med texten:
KÄMPA HEALTHEWORLD till 72900 och skänk 50 kronor.


Vi MJ-fans måste föra Michaels budskap vidare, believers eller non-believers. Come on now, make that change :)

TIAI update #4

Publicerat: 2010-03-13 Klockan: 12:58:00

Jag vet inte om ni har läst de andra uppdateringarna från TIAI, men den här bör ni verkligen läsa :) Den är väldigt lång men läsvärd :)


Där är första delen och sen är det bara att trycka sig vidare :)


Publicerat: 2010-03-08 Klockan: 15:48:02

Eftersom Hope (Diana Jeann) är en av mina favorit bloggare så tänkte jag ta och dela med mig av ett blogginlägg hon skrivit som är en teori om varför han fejkade sin död. Det finns såklart HUR många teorier som helst och ingen kan riktigt veta. Men det är kul att forska i

Jag håller btw på att skriva ihop en "Weird list" med alla hoaxsaker fast i lite kortare form för er som är nya och inte orkar läsa igenom allt, så den kommer kanske ikväll eller senare i veckan :)

Här är iallafall inlägget:
Länk: http://dianajeann.blogspot.com

I would like to give a big thank you to Ludivine de Montreal or (Aliceofneverlan on twitter) who helped me write this.

Let's go back to November 2008. Frank Dileo signs a contract for Michael to preform in a "pay per view production via the internet including other Jackson family members" In Irving Texas. The contract signed by the Michael Jackson camp prevents him from giving a concert until July 2010.

"New Jersey-based AllGood Entertainment Inc contends it signed an agreement in November with Jackson's manager, Frank DiLeo, committing the singer to perform in July 2010 along with his brothers from the Jackson Five and sister Janet Jackson.

Under the agreement, Michael Jackson cannot give another concert until that Jackson Family reunion show, said Patrick Allocco, managing partner at AllGood Entertainment."

By signing this contract and agreeing to preform in the Family reunion show, legaly Michael could not under any circumstances preform in concert before July 2010.

With that in mind, let's skip ahead to 2009. Michael signs a deal with AEG for a 50 concert comback series in London starting in July 2009.

July 2009? Is that allowed? Michael's contract said he wasn't allowed to preform until July 2010, how can he have a concert series starting in 2009?
Answer: He can't.

AllGood Entertainment is not happy about this, Michael is in violation of their contract. Enraged about this, AllGood Entertainment decides that unless Michael calls off his London Gig's they are going to sue him.

Now Michael is the one who is not happy. He argues that he never signed anything for AllGood Entertainment and it's not fair for him to be sued. BUT because Frank Dileo was Michael's manager at the time and signed the contract for Michael, it's legaly binding and there's nothing Michael can do.

May 15 2009 Michael makes it clear that he does not want to preform in the family reunion concert. He doesn't like the idea of a "pay per view" show. AllGood Entertainment doesn't care. Again, they threaten to sue.

AllGood Entertainment sends a cease and desist letter to Frank Dileo and AEG's concert promoters, ordering Michaels London concerts to be canceled.

Michael has no choice. He HAS to preform in the family reunion show. If he doesn't preform not only will he be sued for not preforming, but he will also be sued for his London gigs. Michael can't afford that, this is an insane amount of money we're talking about.

June 2nd 2009 Michael finally agrees to preform in family reunion concert. BUT AllGood Entertainment is still threatening to sue because of his London concerts.

Michael has already decided that he can't cancel his London concert series, or else he would have done it by now. There's too much at stake for him to cancel it. Things have been paid for, people have been hired, fans have been informed and a contract has been signed. He knew all along that it couldn't be canceled.

He couldn't preform in both concerts, but he couldn't preform in only one either.
What was Michael to do?

I keep asking myself, why would Michael put himself in this situation?
He's not stupid, he knew this would be a problem. Maybe he has been planning the hoax for a long time and he knew all along that the London concerts where never really going to happen.

He went on with his press confrence in March of 2009 for his London comback series, knowing it was never going to happen. He ended with a "see you in July" and walks off the stage.

"See you in July" ? Well according to his contract his next concert was going to be in July 2010. Maybe we will see him in July.

As time goes on AllGood Entertainment keeps threatening with lawsuits. Michael knows he doesn't have to worry about them, because he knows he's not going to break his contract. So he ignores the threats.
June 12th 2009 AllGood Entertainment decides to go through with their lawsuit against Michael and they file with the court. Michael now decides that it's time to disappear, so 13 days later he "dies".

Why I think the London Concerts where never going to happen
Besides the reason stated above, there is anouther big reason why I don't think the London Concerts where ever really going to happen.

AEG insured for death caused by overdose
AEG took out an insurance policy from Lloyds of London that was insured for a death caused by overdose, but not natrual causes. Is this normal? The answer is, no. This isn't normal.

"Louise Shield -- the head of communications for Lloyd's of London -- tells us such a policy is "odd" and that she's never heard the company insuring for drug overdoses. "

The head of Lloy's of London has never heard of the company insuring for a drug overdose before, prehaps this was the first time?

Why would they insure for death caused by an overdose?

Because Michael knew he was going to hoax his death by a drug overdose, and  AEG wasn't about to loose money. If they where insured for an overdose, and that just happens to be what Mchael "dies" of, AEG wouldn't loose a thing.

Anouther Reason why I don't think the London Concerts where ever going to happen
The first concert was planned to take place on July 8th. Michael knew he was going to fake his death near the end of June. Well, the end of June is really close to July 8th. The people who had tickets for the first show would already have there travel arrangements made and possibly even be in London by then, Michael wouldn't want to waste people's time so he postponed the opening night to July 13th, and the rest to March 2010.

I think they where planning on making This Is It a movie the entire time
Well, for one thing Michael couldn't legaly give a concert. But also, June 29, 2009 only four days after Michael "died" AEG reveals that they have rehersal footage in HD that they could use so they don't go bankrupt.

How would they come up with this idea only four days after Michael's death?
It just seems too planned. It's like they said
"Oh no, where going to loose allot of money...UNLESS we put together all the footage we conviently filmed in HD of Michael rehersing into a movie!"

Which brings us to anouther thing, Michael never filmed rehersals in HD before...why this one?

To recap
Has Michael broken his contract with AllGood Entertainment yet? NO.
Where Michael's fans able to see This Is It? YES.
Will we see Michael in July? that remains a mystery.

if you watch this interview with Jermain, at around 7:20 he answers a question and talks as if Michael is going to be at the reunion concert.

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