Inlägget publicerat: 2010-01-09 Klockan: 02:49:32

Detta var postat på TheDeathOfMichaelJackson av medlemen jruby
(jag orkar inte skriva till det, så inlägget ser lite konstigt ut)

If you thought things were twisted before, Boy are you in for something.

Hi guys,

yes I did find out who Murray really is

I went to and found out that

his real name is Robert Earl Carter and he is married to Blanche Yvette Bonnick Murray. According to DMV records Robert Earl Carter and his wife live

at 2579 Red Springs Drive in Las vegas, Now this isnt the address that the "police searched" for their Home but they do own Both properties. Now

Dr. Blanche Yvette Bonnick Murray has a practice

at 2110 east flamingo unit 301, Now this address is very important because its listed on the warrant for Global cardiovascular associates. and it isnt its her Nevada paractice and shes a family Doctor.

Now also Robert Changed his name on his license in

Febuary of 2009 to "conrad murray" and then he boght properties in Conrad Murrays Name. Now when You google Conrad Murray Global Associates you get

3121 south maryland pkwy, not 2110 east flamingo which is on the warrant, Now if you Google conrad murray Houston Texas you get that same address of 3121 south Maryland Pkwy but its listed for Houston texas. Now this Medical clinic armstrong that he supposably works at is owned by Dr davil armstrong

and his medical licensce was suspeneded in 2006, but he owns the building at 6826 west Montgomery Road

Houston Texas 77091. There hasnt been patients in there for a while. his Phone numebr of his office is 713-692-1000.

Also "murray" has 1 adult daughter named Monique lee Carter and Blanche has 1 adult daughter named Maureen

Ray Rose. "murray" doesnt have any "other children

according to And Both adult children live with them at that address.

something else I found out which I think might be important, remember when that car was towed at mjs house and they said murray was driving it but it belonged to his sister Susan Rush, well I noticed on peoplefinders it listed Susan rush as an associate or roommate of the "murray's. So I did a googe check on her well I couldnt figure out if she is related to them or if she is a real person, The name Susan rush is a personal circus, like the Circus is called susan rush, and the address for whoever owns the circus is 10629 Sandpiper Dr# 14 Houston texas 77096

well That address is owned by robert Earl carter.

so im thinking its him who owns the Circus. the Suzan rush circus comes(performs) from Magnolia Texas. So the car that was owned by "suzan rush"

may have been "Murray"s work car. If you Google

the name Robert earl carter 2 things come up one that

there is a obstrician that is named robert earl carter from Ca, and 2 a circus owner. so Im thinking this dude really does circus things.

remember though when mj died the police couldnt find murray so they went to Suzan Rush"s house to find him

or question her about where he was well they went to

robert earl carters House. It was all staged from the getgo.

so Im thinking This Dr. Blanche Murray is the real

Dr Murray, and that their is no "conrad murray who is

a cardiologist, However it makes sense I think

that perhaps this Dr Blanche Murray is who may have treated Michaels kids in Vegas considering she is

a Family doctor. This may be the real doctor that

may go on tour with Michael eventually.

Postat av: rebbie

I tried to find Murray on and I didn´t until I searched for Blanche Yvette Bonnick-Murray. His name is Conrad Bonnick-Murray, it´s a double name. no interesting stuff, but still.

2010-01-09 @ 15:23:33
Postat av: Michael lover<3333333333

Nu har jag en riktigt stor känsla av att Michael lever!:)

Love you Michael.<3

2010-01-09 @ 16:55:52

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