
Inlägget publicerat: 2010-01-21 Klockan: 14:00:00

Förlåt för att jag har inte har skrivit något på ett tag! Jag har precis börjat en ny kurs på universitetet och tiden är begränsad. Så här kommer ett litet inlägg med nya saker. Det blev ett rätt långt inlägg med mycket blandat, jag hoppas att det är lugnt.

Första tipset är egentligen inget tips för er som söker ledtrådar, utan för er som redan hittat svaret.
Ni har alla hört talas som Cassandra, om hon är äkta eller fejk vet nog ingen. Hon har iallafall skapat gruppen "Michael Joe Jacksons comeback" som ni kan joina om ni vill. Varför inte stötta honom ifall det skulle vara så?

Jag kan inte säga att jag tror på det, men inte heller att jag inte tror på det. Men jag håller helt klart utkik där.


Hon har även skapat en twitter som ni kan kolla in om ni vill.


Sen ni som hängt med vet vad This is also it är, dom har även skapat en facebook grupp där som postar tips eller saker att tänka på dagligen.
Länk: http://www.facebook.com/search/?q=This+is+also+it&init=quick#/pages/This-Is-Also-It/256643347500?ref=search&sid=513290296.2045541153..1

Även en ny hemsida har kommit upp de senaste dagarna:

Sen tänkte jag dela med mig av ett intressant tweet från AllJack5ons

"see truths when they r revealed to you. ur eyes don't lie - media does"


Sen så är Mjfanforeverandaday tillbaka på youtube igen, efter en liten välförtjänad paus, med nya videor.

Och så avslutar vi med ett blogginlägg som kommer från Diana så all credit går till henne.

Though I believe that this hoax was planned for years, I'm starting to believe that it kicked off in 2008 for reasons more than one.

5 Brothers Enterprises
If you haven't checked out this website yet, I highly advise you do so.
"5 Brothers enterprises comming soon"
What exactly is comming soon?
The question I've been asking myself over and over again. I guess where just going to have to wait and see.
I believe that this is going to be big. The definition for enterprise is:
-A project undertaken or to be undertaken
So their currently working on a project. In my opinion I think this project is going to be big.
Why? Because of  this website (posted by sunrise on MJHD)
Under Business Entity Information it says "File Date- 2/15/2008"
So this Enterprise went into the works in 2008.
Now I'm wondering, if it started in 2008, why is it comming soon now almost 2 years later?

Reality Show Rumors
I used Google Archives for this one.
2008 is when we heard about a Jackson reality show for the first time

Radio Reports Michael's Death in 2008
"An Albuquerque radio station jokingly
reported that the King of Pop, Michael Jackson died from an overdose"

6 Months To Live
In December of 2008 It was reported that Michael had 6 months to live,
Suprisingly enough 6 months later he was "dead"
December 2008 is also when he started wearing thoughs masks

Jackson Family Looking For House In Devon
In 2008 reports that the Jackson Family wanted to buy a house in Devon England surfaced.
From an article posted April 3rd, 2008:

"Last month, Tito - who also has three other brothers, Marlon, Jackie and Randy, and another sister La Toya - revealed he was house-hunting in the area because the family wanted a hideaway in the idyllic English countryside.

Tito said: "My family love North Devon and the wonderful countryside and friendly people, I'm really looking forward to buying a home here. Michael likes it here too, as no one bothers him."

The Jackson Brothers recently Tweeted that they were going to be in the UK Febuary 1-3.

I Believe that even though this hoax was probably planned for years, everything was put into place in 2008. Which makes sense because that was supposedly Michael's last full year.

Postat av: Benny

Tack för alla länktips med mera. :)

2010-01-21 @ 22:53:02
URL: http://agnesmychampion.blogg.se/
Postat av: Nora Fazel

Helt klart alive! ;)


Peace and love

2010-01-24 @ 12:16:27
URL: http://noraafazel.blogg.se/
Postat av: Nora Fazel

Oh no, oh no, oh no! Never give up! Måste beLIEve! :D

Peace and love

2010-01-24 @ 19:29:34
URL: http://noraafazel.blogg.se/
Postat av: Nora Fazel

Love him!

Peace and love

2010-01-26 @ 15:49:32
URL: http://noraafazel.blogg.se/

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