This is it - cd och film

Inlägget publicerat: 2009-12-14 Klockan: 18:48:11

Ortega har sagt i en intervju "The order of songs is the same as they would have been during Jackson’s comeback tour in London" och ändå är inte Dirty Diana med? Och den vet vi att han skulle ha kört, Ortega sa det själv, dansarna har också sagt det,

" I hope I dont get in trouble for this. There was one time we were working on stage with Dirty Diana....."
(Klippet finns längst ner i detta inlägg, video 2, ungefär runt 3.30)

Det Ortega har sagt om Dirty Diana finns längre ner.
Iallafall så verkar det som att låtarna på skivan är exakt de som var med i filmen.
Detta står även på skivan, varför säger så Ortega att dom är i samma ordning som konserten?

Ok, här kommer en bild på baksidan av skivan

(hoppas att ni ser, annars kan ni ju googla eller kika på riktiga skivan)

Som ni ser, album produced by Michael Jackson...
Hur producerar man ett album när man är död?
Vissa säger säkert: Men det är ju han som skrivit låtarna.
Och det är det såklart, men han har bör fortfarande inte stå som producent på just detta album.

Har då aldrig sett en skiva som är släppt efter någons död och producerad av den som dött.
Kan han då ha producerat den innan han dog?
Nej denna skiva och film kom bara ut pga de inställda konserterna.

På baksidan av albumet hittar vi även orden:
"Always great to sing with my brother"

Vilken av bröderna? Och varför bara en bror?
Vem är det som sagt det? OCH varför finns det med på skivan?

Först och främst, lite frågor
- Dessa repetitioner var filmade bara för att Michael skulle ha kvar det och lära sig av sina gamla repetitioner. Varför används då 3D kameror? Det finns ingen poäng med det om ingen skulle se videorna.
- Varför använder alla scenkläder endast under Smooth Criminal?
- Varför låter Michaels tal i slutet som ett avskeds/hejdå tal?
- Vad betyder teckenspråket som Michael gör under Man in the mirror? Vissa säger sig ha tagit reda på detta och det ska tydligen betyda "With all my heart, I will show myself to you again". (Jag har dock inte detta bekräftat av någon som kan teckenspråk!)
- Varför finns det inga datum (tex 1958-2009) eller liknande med? Inte heller har vi något "In loving memory of Michael Jackson") Om man inte visste att han var död och gick och såg filmen, så skulle man inte veta det efteråt heller.

Nu ska ni få ett litet citat av Kenny ortega (även detta finns med i klippen längst ner på sidan.)

Intervjuare: "What was your guiding principle when making the film?
Kenny Ortega: "Everyday I woke up I just brought Michael into the room with me, we lived in the editing room for weeks, 7 days a week and uh just really thought about the fans and what they were looking for out of a project."

Dom bodde i redieringsrummet? Michael med? Really...?

Ännu ett citat av Ortega "The reason Dirty Diana isn't in the movie, is because we were suppose to rehearse that on june 25th."

(ps: Den 25 juni var det ca 2 veckor tills första konserten, borde inte ALLA låtar vara repeterade och sitta till 100%? De sista två veckorna bör gå till endast övning och åter övning av alla låtar som alla redan kan, en låt bör inte börja repas två veckor innan...)

Här är klippen iallafall:
(Även med en hel del andra slip-ups som jag inte nämnt i detta inlägg.)

Alla ni som har sett några hoaxklipp eller liknande (läst Derek Clontz, forum) vet att det ska tydligen finnas 33 ledtrådar i This is it som tyder på att Michael lever. Jag har bara sett filmen två gånger och har bara sett den del ledtrådar, men här kommer en lista från en tjej som bor i USA.
Den är dock på engelska, så jag hoppas att alla förstår :)
Fråga annars!

1. They Don’t Care About Us – social injustice from media, political powers, haters and greedy corporations.

2. Man In the Mirror – during the footage of the girl rehearsing there is another room right behind her and you see Alvarez, the 911 caller. Since the death started with the 911 call this represents the change that Michael is starting with himself; looking in the mirror and making that change with himself. I think this is the room where the 911 call came from too.

3. For the Fans… – this movie is for us to find the clues.

4. The Circle – this is an adventure, a great adventure. Show them places they’ve never been before. Finding the clues will send us places we would not go perhaps any other time.

5. The Circle – he asks for patience and understanding from everyone. We need to give him time.

6. Kenny is wearing a pearl bralet on right wrist. La Toya said that Michael had a pearl necklace when he was buried. Kind of strange for Kenny to wear a pearl bracelet. Also Kenny is wearing a purple ribbon on his right wrist. The color of the Memorial tickets were purple.

7. Curls for my Girls t-shirt – a subtle hint of giving hugs to us.

8. Interviews with the dancers – they were very emotional and I believe the interviews had been recorded after Michael had already ‘escaped’.

9. I Just Can’t Stop Loving You – he extends his arm out to the fans (us the audience)and saying I Love You.

10. I Just Can’t Stop Loving You – he was impersonating Charlie Chaplin and telling us to Smile even though our hearts are breaking – it’s all for L.O.V.E This is my favorite part of the movie. I love you Michael.

11. The Jackson 5 medley – on I’ll Be There he says his brothers name, I love you and then Joseph and Katherine, God Bless you, I love you. He was saying goodbye but also saying thank you to them.

12. Th Credits – Michael wanted to thank the choreographers of past performances. You can’t thank someone if you aren’t alive.

13. The litle girl – she is holding the world and the words on the screen say I Love You, Michael with a star at the end of his initial – he is still shining, still alive and the words are in present tense.

14. Love Lives Forever – remember I’m Alive and will live forever at the memorial? Just different wording.

15. Referances being made that this was being done for an audience. A movie is made for an audience, a concert is created for the fans.

16. Statement of the footage was intended as original film content for the show. All the rehearsals were meant to be for the film, not a concert!.

17. The Credits – Michael Jackson is listed as the producer of the companion album. How can you produce if you are not alive?

18. No remembrance – no in memory of. If he passed away there should be something.

19. The Credits – Legal Counsel was listed for Michael Jackson. Michael wouldn't have legal counsel if he is dead.

20. Thriller – the black widow spider. The bite of a black widow can hamper breathing just like the meds that were administered. And he is coming out of it – it is showing his return, he has overcome the drugs and he didn't die.

21. Thriller – the song Threatened off of the Invincible album is playing at the very end when he is on the platform and all of the ghouls are below him and then they disappear into the black whole.
These are the words at the end of Threatened – ‘What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying nightmare. It isnt. Its the beginning’. Michael is coming back to take care of some business with the media! You rock Michael!!

22. Part about the costumes – the fact that the Billie Jean outfit is going to be made over; they specifically said Billie Jean. And all of the ideas were brand new, nothing had been made yet - this will take more than just a few months to develope.

23. End of movie – Michael is standing at the bottom of the stage and says let me bathe in my own time, I'll come back in, button my shirt/jacket whatever, move around a little bit, play with them, snap my fingers and bam. This is what he is going to do when he first comes on stage when he comes back.

24. End of movie – when he walks on stage and it shows his socks and loafers you can see the glitter looks like it is falling off. Remember the Billie Jean outfit is getting made over! Brand new start!

25. End of movie – he giggles. What did he do at the end of Liberian Girl? He gigggles!!! And remember all the references to Liberian Girl at the memorial and the funeral?

26. through 32. The 7 mini movies that make up Smooth Criminal Segment: In a Lonely Place and Tokyo Joe represent depression, isolation, confusion and corruption – all things that Michael has had to go through. Gilda, Suddenly Last Summer, His Girl Friday and The Whole Town is Talking represent the plan in motion. And the final one of Dead Reckoning I am going to use the definition of it which is the positioning of the present course to past courses. Michael is coming full circle.

33. The Circle – Michael is saying we have 4 years to get it right before we can’t do anymore. This could mean two things; the religeous belief of the year 2012 or that President Obama is in office for only 4 years and who knows what will happen after that?

Postat av: Anne från anneliscious.

Vem av er har gjort er design ?

sv: Jaa, vi får fråga honom när vi kommer till himlen ;)

2009-12-14 @ 19:45:44
Postat av: Rebbie

Ah, shit.. Absolut. Ni har mig snart. Fast den där listan på grejer som någon tjej hade skrivit, massa av de där punkterna kan man faktiskt stryka, bara bullshit många av dem. Men resten stämmer faktiskt. Helt förstummad. :D Hoppashoppashoppas

2009-12-14 @ 21:07:35
Postat av: Rebbie

Yeeesss ;D eller tror det iaf. listan med 33 ledtrådar?

2009-12-14 @ 21:31:35
Postat av: TheMoonWalker

Det är konstigt att det inte står någonstans i filmen t.e.x. "Michael Jackson 1958-2009" eller "In memory of Michael Jackson".

2009-12-16 @ 09:39:39

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