Jermaine Jackson interview
Inlägget publicerat: 2010-02-16 Klockan: 23:25:46
Så, Mr Jermaine Jackson gjorde en intervju med en australiensisk morgon show och fick frågan:
Are you looking forward to getting back out on stage?
Och så här svarade han:
Yeah, yeah, well, well, see, my brothers, we, we all play a part in, in creating the the show, I’m the base player, Tito is the guitar player so we work on the, the music, Jackie and Marlon and Randy and, and Michael doing during the time supposed to be doing all the steps and then we’re supposed to bring everything together then we create this big show
Här är klippet med hans svar, hela intervjun kan ni nog hitta
om ni trycker på länkarna i beskrivningen :)
Are you looking forward to getting back out on stage?
Och så här svarade han:
Yeah, yeah, well, well, see, my brothers, we, we all play a part in, in creating the the show, I’m the base player, Tito is the guitar player so we work on the, the music, Jackie and Marlon and Randy and, and Michael doing during the time supposed to be doing all the steps and then we’re supposed to bring everything together then we create this big show
Här är klippet med hans svar, hela intervjun kan ni nog hitta
om ni trycker på länkarna i beskrivningen :)